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iPhones are expensive for a reason.

Moving from android was the best decision I’ve made tech-wise.

If you can afford it, it’s totally worth its value.

An iPhone SE is not expensive and is supported for just as long as the flagship iPhones are.

The OG $399 iPhone SE from 2016 is currently on it's eighth year of security updates, having gotten another update just a week ago. That works out to $50 per supported year.

Or, unpopular opinion, if you don't care about brand and/or cutting edge camera quality, just buy a cheap Xiaomi phone.

I have been using the Poco X3 for 3.5 years with absolutely zero issues. Even the battery still holds through an entire day of regular usage.

It cost me 1/4 of the price of an iPhone and I get the same if not bigger value for my use cases (bigger in terms of battery life which was laughable back when I still used an iPhone 6, don't know if things have gotten better now).

I’ve had a Xiaomi phone and it was the worst crap I’ve ever had.

I can understand somebody compares a pixel to an iPhone… but the only advantage of a cheap/low tier android phone is that…. They’re cheap.

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