I think there isn’t a miracle solution for increasing the focus. Is like a muscle you want to make it stronger. It needs lots of discipline and practice.
This is a list of things I’ve done on and off for the last 2 years and feel like it improved my focus.
- get rid of possible distractions (phone-turned off all the notifications)
- read books constantly (I made a rule to read at least 1 page a day)
- meditation
- morning pages (is more like a journaling, but continuous flux of thoughts written on 3 letter pages every morning)
The morning pages I think helped me the most not only for my focus, but also for my mental wellbeing.
This is a list of things I’ve done on and off for the last 2 years and feel like it improved my focus.
- get rid of possible distractions (phone-turned off all the notifications) - read books constantly (I made a rule to read at least 1 page a day) - meditation - morning pages (is more like a journaling, but continuous flux of thoughts written on 3 letter pages every morning)
The morning pages I think helped me the most not only for my focus, but also for my mental wellbeing.