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This is sophomoric. First of all, muscle memory is not contained in your muscles or "distributed" throughout your body but is known to reside in your cerebellum and basal ganglia. The nerves going down to your muscles are simply a conduit for actuation, a wire, nothing more.

As far as your gut, if you claim that a thermostat is intelligent then sure your gut is also intelligent (don't forget the microbiome in there too).

Peripheral nervous system has significant plasticity and its reflex archs can produce complex and purposeful behavior without the brain. E.g. cats can walk with their brain removed and famously decapitated chicken do all sorts of stuff.

Octopi don't even have a centralized brain.

I'm not disputing that. What does that have to do with whether a human brain is inherently intelligent?

I was replying to this:

> First of all, muscle memory is not contained in your muscles or "distributed" throughout your body but is known to reside in your cerebellum and basal ganglia. The nerves going down to your muscles are simply a conduit for actuation, a wire, nothing more.

> This is sophomoric.

Says the user who just made fart noises. Your confidence here is dunning.

I literally just followed suit. Don't like the response, don't lead. You're being hypocritical.

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