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[flagged] Control Mark Zuckerbergs smile property (terkelg.github.io)
27 points by keepamovin 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

The dude just seems like an awkward engineer that is a little nervous/scared/whatever at congress (like, let's be honest, who here can stay calm at congress getting grilled)

Would you look better in a totally not awkward situation like on that photo: [0]?

[0] https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=http://i...

Agreed. I think the attitude to Zuck is just a different form of old fashion bullying of nerds and it should probably be discouraged.

Complain about big tech business practices, complain when a business leader does something horrible but if you complain about a nerd being 'nerdy' i don't see it as much different to the stereotypical bullying of nerds that should be discouraged at every turn.

Having a smile by your mouth and not by the rest of your face especially the eyes, will make the face more creepy and signaling those psychotic serial killer vibes.

Yeah, looks like Zuck except I've never seen a smile > 0.5

I feel like this would be better if they rotoscope Mark so that the background doesn't move.

Though it's interesting that the lady in the background seems to have her smile in anti-phase.

Bug or unintended side-effect: there seems to be some leakage as the slider also slightly controls the smile of the ones around Mark.

It's power is not to be underestimated. Or perhaps it's just social contagion hahaha! :)

The amount of empathy and charisma that those eyes convey is moving.

I appreciate this deeply.

Only zuckerberg would flag it.

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