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A Boeing passenger jet's nose wheel fell off just before takeoff (nbcnews.com)
33 points by mjirv 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 19 comments

This is making the news since it's another Boeing issue, but it seems like any issue with a 757 at this point would be from improper maintenance, right?

I guess maintenance on the body work is done by Boing or affiliated workshops?

The Boeing rot surely have spread to the after market org. to.

Boeing could very well wreck old good designs. Like, why assume it isn't the case?

> I guess maintenance on the body work is done by Boing or affiliated workshops?

No, its done by the airline or a contractor.

Yes, almost definitely unless it was repaired with a faulty part, still unlikely to fall back on Boeing though.

At least the front didn't fall off.

I was literally just thinking this haha, what a classic!

What I do not understand is the corner cutting. Why not lobby instead for a standardized QA by law for all plane producers. Costs that apply to all equally become invisible to the market?

Also this is a maintenance issue?

I've always wondered what the wheel tightening noises are right before taxiing.

So it's the hydraulic equivalent of a buck/boost converter?

nicely put, but yeah.

More pleasant than the dying whale sound™ produced by some of the engines they use (PW1000G)

Do you mean the drill-like noises (reminds me of racing impact wrench)? I always assumed that was the cargo pay door securing itself.

There's always stuff happening in the world of flight - It's occasionally interesting to peruse the Aviation Herald (https://avherald.com/) to see just what's happened recently.

A 31 year old plane. This is more likely a delta issue than Boeing's.

Better before and not after.

And we’ve now reached the stage where the media is using Boeing for clickbait. Hopefully no actual news about Boeing comes out because people will not be paying attention.

Wheels falling off planes is "actual news."

We've now reached the stage where accusations of clickbait became just as meaningless as accusations of fake news.

> Wheels falling off planes is "actual news."

Yes, on AV Herald. Planes break quite regularly, AV Herald has no shortage of things to write about. It's not worthy of the evening news, and especially unworthy of Hacker News. But "Boeing" drives clicks here too, because it tickles the inner monkey of a lot of people.


The media always uses nearly everything for clickbait.

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