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Mozilla closes 21 years old bug in Firefox (bugzilla.mozilla.org)
114 points by trzeci 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

Recently discussed: Firefox tooltip bug fixed after 22 years (10.10.2023) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37827995

Every time switching to another program you had to take care not to trigger tooltip event in Firefox, since it would stay on top of your programs active window. Great, it was finally fixed.

I recently found out that this one got closed as well: https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/470

> Opened 18 years ago

> Closed 9 months ago

I'm fascinated by projects that are so stable that specific issues remain relevant for this long, and at the same time persistently active, so that someone eventually steps up and fixes those issues.

Any big, mature project is going to have issues that keep getting bumped down the priority queue for core contributors. With open source at least there's the possibility of an external contributor being motivated enough to fix them.

FINALLY! I have been bitten by this bug several times; it also applied to CSS properties involving table layouts (cell, etc.), which I used to be a heavy user of. Glad to see it fixed!

I wish Android/Google would close old bugs too... like the intentionally-not-implemented ad-hoc wifi

If you're connected to wifi and enable android hotspot, it creates a new SSID which routes to the one Android is connected to.

Do people even use ad-hoc mode these days? The only places where I’ve seen this even mentioned was on old Nokia smart phones and networking textbooks.

That they don't seems to have as much to do with Android not supporting it as anything. Being able to send messages locally without going through any surveillance checks would be a godsend for protest movements, which may well have something to do with why Google hasn't included it as an option.

It's useful for mesh networking too. We get used to Internet being available everywhere here in places with solid infrastructure but I imagine being able to use ad-hoc would be helpful in a place like, say Gaza. There are tools that help these situations, such as Briar or SSB, but something at layer 2 would allow for a lot more functionality.

There have been a few occasions in the last decade when I would have if only Android supported it.

That does not sound like a bug.

Gnome's thumbnails in file picker feature still hasen't been fixed in over 20 years. They recently added the code for thumbnails but it doesn't work without opening Nautilus first. I remember KDE 3.0 from 2002 had functional thumbnails. Gnome has single-handedly ruined the idea of Linux on the desktop for most people as most distros are Gnome based by default.

now i will use FF!

Does that mean I have to wait 20 more years for this one to be fixed?


What makes you think those bugs are correlated?

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