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At the end of the day, Helm's issues stem from two competing interests:

(1) I want to write something where I can visualize exactly what will be sent to Kubernetes, and visually compare it to the wealth of YAML-based documentation and tutorials out there

(2) I have a set of resources/runners/cronjobs that each require similar, but not identical, setups and environments, so I need looping control flow and/or best-in-class template inclusion utilities


People who have been working in k8s for years can dispense with (1), and thus can use various abstractions for generating YAML/JSON that don't require the user to think about {toYaml | indent 8}.

But for a team that's still skilling up on k8s, Helm is a very reasonable choice of technology in that it lets you preserve (1) even if (2) is very far from a best-in-class level.

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