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Ask HN: Why is Techmeme so successful?
7 points by seestraw 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
Looking at Techmeme, it looks like a simple product. Very well done, yes. It looks like they spend a lot of time curating the news, no doubt assisted by software. But still, a simple product with low barrier of entry.

Why then is there close to zero competition? I don't see any site coming even close to their product.

I have a sense that I am missing something. Is this business harder than it looks?

I am a huge fan of a similar product in China - https://tophub.today/

Wish someone could have made a better version. https://techurls.com/ has better user interface but seems like some contents are not being updated.

Any aggregator will be successful since people don't want to manually search for news & trends. The real trick is aggregating the aggregators. That's still a hard problem.

I hadn't heard of it until the TechMemeRideHome podcast fwiw

I have never heard of it either. Looks like a news aggregator. At first glance, even though I like aggregators, I think I prefer the HN style aggregators that prioritize discussion.

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