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No thanks.

I've worked on teams using trunk based development before and I ended up being the one having to fix other people's messes, deal with them losing work, and the absolute hell of trying to find where a bug was introduced.

The only people I really want on my team are those that understand Git. And even when there are team members that don't understand Git, I sure do and can pretty easily un-eff any situation someone gets themselves into.

Seriously, Git is actually simple and it should be a fundamental CS class taught at all universities.

> deal with them losing work

The fact that is ever possible is a damning indictment on Git

> Git is actually simple

The clearest evidence that something isn’t simple is when there are thousands of people yelling in frustration that it’s simple.

Things that are actually simple don’t require a never ending stream of guides and tutorials.

The world can do much, much better than Git.

It's likely `git reflog` would have their work, but not everyone knows about it

Yeah data is often recoverable by experts. But it’s too hard.

My VCS rule is that commit ids are sacrosanct. If you make a commit that commit is safe. You can do whatever the hell you want. Merge, rebase, whatever. But you can always go back to that commit.

This is kinda sorta true for Git. But that isn’t a first principle. And Git’s management of branch labels is super finicky.

Mercurials anonymous branching is a better default imho.

> the absolute hell of trying to find where a bug was introduced

What does this have to do with a trunk based branching strategy?

> Seriously, Git is actually simple and it should be a fundamental CS class taught at all universities.

I'm fairly confused by this, as it doesn't seem to contradict OP, which is about using git...

P.S. sitting down and learning git was probably the single most useful activity I've done on my 23 year career as a dev.

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