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Except archive.ph has the never-ending CAPTCHA from Hell.

So, that's totally useless either way.

Huh? I never get that one. Weird. It always works perfectly for me (on Firefox on FreeBSD which is often served by captchas from other sites for being "suspicious").

I wonder what triggers archive.ph to serve that captcha? It's not the browser apparently.

Edit: I've been googling this, and it looks like the owner of archive.ph has some beef with cloudflare DNS and is returning the wrong addresses or something. Whatever. I'm using OpenDNS and it works fine.

Do you have a better option perhaps?

I'm just going to the link provided, with my iPad, using the Safari browser.

And every time, the CloudFlare CAPTCHA-from-Hell comes up. I thought it was being put up by archive.ph.

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