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>We’re eeking out tiny wins over decades,

I glean from many non-main stream sources (who are generally labeled quacks or naysayers, I have lost track of sources) :

- There have been almost no improvements in cancer treatments especially chemotherapy for _several_decades. Some sleight of hand involving some statistics and the fact that cancer can now be diagnosed in an at an earlier stage, means that the survival rate that is calculated by the survival of people Beyond 5 years of the first diagnosis, is higher.

- The primary approach to treating cancer (especially with chemotherapy and radiation) appears flawed. Cancer is a systemic disease so even if you destroy the tumor, you will have more of those propping up, because the body is already predisposed to creating them.

- It's a money making scam ( just like any other industry) that thrives in keeping a patient as sick as possible for as long as possible

-A lot of naive, but well intention people fall for the above three points mentioned.

Of course any attempt to even mention that people could be wrong would be retaliated with: you don't-care-for-people-dying response. Heroics generally trumps common sense

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