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bookofjoe 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite

The HN posters who went along with all this and helped to enforce the damaging policies weren't at all shy about posting message after message two years ago about why their tyranny was a good thing. Now few to none of them will even acknowledge their mistakes and the harm they caused. Look for this post to be flagged just like all the similar posts have been. The only pandemic related posts that get any traction now are the few about Long Covid that appear to give some small justification for the enormous harm inflicted by the policies these people supported and loudly advocated for.

Yeah sorry, this one doctor does not speak for every doctor.

However you feel about it, one side chose to believe the science/scientists, the other side chose TV personalities and podcast hosts.

Did you even read the article? The point was that it's a false dichotomy to say one side believed the science and the other side didn't. Just because someone questions a specific measure, doesn't mean they don't read the science that supports (or doesn't support) the measure. It means we need a more balanced approach that weighs the costs versus the benefits. That's a bigger-picture science than whether a measure does or doesn't reduce the spread.

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