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> Just make another endpoint for getting the whole thing in one go and call it a day.

That's pretty much the point (well, one of the main points) of GraphQL... precisely so you don't have to do that. Want to request a new object or list of objects? Request a new field on an existing object? You don't have to go "make another endpoint", you just change your GraphQL query.

This is really nice for iterating, though it does have some downsides (eg it's easy for the person iterating away on the FE to not have to think about the cost of querying that data on the BE).

GraphQL does have a few other advantages though, like being able to build your typing around it (again, doable with REST but with more work).

I also agree with that!

I'm not actually opposed to Graphql as a technology, One of my favourite pieces of technology is actually PostGraphile.

I just believe it's easy to misuse it (in similar ways to an ORM) that result in not utilising server capabilities to their fullest.

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