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DPD error caused chatbot to swear at customer (bbc.co.uk)
4 points by nmstoker 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Highlights the usual problems with prompt injection. It seems like a mistake that company after company will continue to make for years to come.

I find it hilarious as DPD in the UK used to be seriously awful - damaging items and blatantly lying about delivery attempts to the point that I would order from different companies if I knew they only shipped with DPD. They did improve their act (no thanks to me I'm sure!) however with the recent "quiet quit" trend they're getting closer to their old ways.

Hrr Hrr Hrr! Der Deutsche Paketdienst 'delivers', as almost always.

Also funny that the bot not only verbally abused some customers, but its employer too.

"Ze mächinz vill rize! Jawollja!"

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