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College students in hospital after hackers send graphic images to Discord server (cbsnews.com)
7 points by gumby 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Remembering back to the early 00's when hospital ICUs were filled with people who had been fooled into clicking a link to Goatse.

This new generation is perplexingly useless.

Favorites of that time for shocking others have been the faces of death, steak and cheese and rotten..

No one puked or even needed an ICU in the class. May be because of respect for the teacher who still was teaching. Who Knows.

We had a guy named 'vai' on our IRC channels, he was into 2chan if that gives you a notion of the provenance here. he delighted in sharing links to some of the more exotic content to be found on the internet even then.

It was one of the rites of passage and joys of being on the net then, "seeing things you couldn't unsee." Then you get to go share it with others and watch their innocence melt like delicate snowflakes.

Then, hopefully, when we hit ugly circumstances in person, perhaps we're a little more prepared to deal with the first wave of stupid shock which is a natural reaction. It gets in the way of a rational response, whatever that might be. There's a use for having seen some ugly, early, to learn how to tolerate it.

Very few people are so privileged as to never encounter the bad things in life themselves. Preparation seems wise.

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