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Besides being written in rust, how does this differ from other Postgres operators (cloudnativepg, zalando, …)?

Edit: I guess from the write up it’s more of an augmentation on cnpg to help manage Postgres extensions. I could have sworn it was easy to do this with cpng, I’ll have to review this again. Will keep this project saved. Thanks for sharing

For those of us that don't know what cnpg stands for, it's CloudNativePG


As mentioned in the article, this operator uses CNPG and adds easy plugin management (Nice!) and Stacks (prebuilt optimized deployments, although I’m unsure what this does exactly. It just sounds like containers with optimized settings)

Stacks[1] are basically recipes for deploying Postgres for specific use cases. This includes extensions, Postgres configs and application deployments (example: PostgREST)

For examples, you can look at https://github.com/tembo-io/tembo/tree/main/tembo-operator/s...

[1] Blog about Stacks: https://tembo.io/blog/tembo-stacks-intro/

Postgres + containers + package management for extensions + stacks

For example re: extensions, you can add postgres extensions to your spec and the operator will handle getting the extensions installing extensions from pgt.dev into your Postgres instance.

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