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I have no idea whether any of that is true. If it’s not, Carta should sue the hell out them for libel. If it is, wow…

I highly doubt a guy getting sued by his former company would be stupid enough to post publicly things that he cannot demonstrate to be true (the truth being an absolute defence to libel).

That’s a compelling argument, and if I had to form an opinion today, that’s probably what I’d go with.

On the other hand, people said recklessly idiotic stuff all the time. Some guy in the news today is in court to determine now much he owes a woman who successfully sued him, and he still kept saying wild stuff about her.

Certain people seem pathologically incapable of STFU. The person who wrote the comments we're discussing could be one of them for all I know.

But this guy was silent for over a year. If you look at his Twitter, he didn’t tweet, didn’t like tweets, just went dark for over a year. He didn’t speak to the media while his company tried to ruin him. I think he knows exactly when to speak up and shut up.

In the original, none of those are cited as his personal observation- all of them are based on (with links to) publicly available news reports on the company, published by reputable news organizations like Business Insider, who presumably have at least a reasonable due-diligence process before they publish, or at least one could make reliance on their having done so.

Basically, I know where I'd put my money on whether they happened, and who ends up looking bad.

In the article, each of those items has a link to further supporting info.

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