It depends what business you're in. If you're a company making yachts, supercars, or private jets, then owners consume much more than workers.
As wealth shifts to fewer hands, companies making mass-market goods are forced to drop prices, squeezing their margins and forcing consolidation and further automation, as the buying power of the customer base disappears. Investment capital shifts into the luxury sector where demand is growing, and prices and production quantities increase.
More and more of the economy gets dedicated to serving the needs of the wealthy (which is essentially what what it means for the rich to get richer).
As wealth shifts to fewer hands, companies making mass-market goods are forced to drop prices, squeezing their margins and forcing consolidation and further automation, as the buying power of the customer base disappears. Investment capital shifts into the luxury sector where demand is growing, and prices and production quantities increase.
More and more of the economy gets dedicated to serving the needs of the wealthy (which is essentially what what it means for the rich to get richer).