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Even Climate Scientists Weren't Ready for 2023, and That's a Worry (sciencealert.com)
9 points by Brajeshwar 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Things will be much worse than any projection, because by the very nature of Science, any and all projections must be backed up with verified, reproducible data. This typically leaves 99.999+% of all data on the cutting room floor, and what little that gets used is so conservative in nature that any extrapolations that arise from it ends up vastly undershooting what actually happens.

Right now, we are already projecting massive issues in the latter half of the century, including chaotic weather leading to world-wide parallel famines that could easily eviscerate modern infrastructure, collapse international trade, and even cause a significant collapse in the human population. Lethally high wet-bulb temperatures will make large swaths of the equatorial regions uninhabitable for significant chunks of the year, forcing the migration of billions into temperate zones. This alone will set us up for massively lethal conflicts between residents and refugees, as the refugees overwhelm all available resources in an apocalyptic manner.

Yeah, this is the conservative, pie-in-the-sky forecast. In reality, it’s going to be much, much worse.

I strongly suspect that most people born after 1990 are going to experience a brutish and painfully short latter-most ⅓ of their lives.

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