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You can just ask "make photo of a baby" to a computer.

Why do you need the actual baby when you can have a fake baby with mangled hears and 7 fingers per hand?

> Why do you need the actual baby when you can have a fake baby with mangled hears and 7 fingers per hand?

Comments like these are fine on Twitter and Facebook, but if you're on HackerNews, commenting on an article about AI, it makes you look completely out of touch. You've clearly not kept pace with the technology and are just repeating verbatim what you saw 6 months ago.

HN, as a whole, has been so behind the curve that it's not even funny.

Ok. Can you post here an AI generated photo of my kids, sitting in our kitchen?

Are your kids commercial objects?

You do recognize that you are making fun of the sarcasm indicator, right?

Becaus you can't do that if you want a professional photo of your baby.

This isn't about this moment. You think "now" is "always like this"???

Future images will make real babies look ugly in comparison.

You can with finetuning, but I think parent is being sarcastic :-) I think the point is that no one (ok, not no one, but few people) will view fake photos in the same way as real ones when it comes to sentimentality.

It’s probably good enough to replace blog post header images that served close to no value to begin with. Everything else is still to be seen.

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