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If we get to a point where AI can generate realistic 3D models it’s game over for a lot of things. If you have a 3D model of a character it completely eliminates continuity issues. At that point entire games and movies should be possible without a single actor/actress or any support crew.

There are some companies working on using AI for animating the movements, although I'm sure full models aren't far off.

It's not like animating a 3d model is easy…

Animating 3D models isn't safe from AI either: https://youtu.be/8oIQy6fxfCA?si=8Vy0p4LNAm6r547D

It's not just NVIDIA, Ubisoft also has some very impressive research in this area. I believe Ubisoft has already implemented some of the new tech in their recent games - it makes sense, they have hundreds and hundreds of people work on their games and they require huge amounts of animation, any savings there are going to be huge for them.

If it’s rigged, it’s extremely easy. Rigging is already automated for most humanoid characters…

If anything it’s easier. It gives a nice abstraction to capture and transform movement rather than figuring out each frame how to draw everything from scratch

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