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> Exercise reduces inflammation long term because exercise creates stresses on the body, which signals an inflammatory response to repair and rebuild.

I don't follow how creating inflammation reduces inflammation. Especially when the inflammation may be food or allergy related.

Maybe the easiest way to think of it is that it's like how cardiovascular exercise lowers your resting heart rate over time, but really raises your heart rate during and immediately after exercise.

The acute goes up for a bit, but your body is changing due to the exercise which causes the chronic condition to reduce over time.

Sorry, my comments have been purely in relation to exercise, not with regards to inflammation brought on by food or allergies. The original comment was in relation to exercise.

When you exercise, those muscles breakdown and generate micro tears of which causes inflammation. These inflammatory signals call upon the body to rebuild itself and repair. If you've ever performed any level of exercise, lifted weights etc your body has likely felt sore as a result and your body through its inflammatory response has repaired itself. Do this enough and you will become more tolerant to that level of exercise.

It's now muscles get bigger, it's now muscles become more tolerance of endurance exercise. It's your body adapting through repeated stressors.

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