>It's also why certain groups respond very lively when you call them by their true name: they are utterly in denial about their possible futures give or take an unlucky turn of events or two. The veneer is very thin. You find them in the halls of politics, in the police force, in the armed forces, in the offices of just about any company, at your local soccer club and just about everywhere else. And none of them is going to come out to admit it. I seriously wonder how big a fraction of a society has the subscribe to this kind of ideology before it is unavoidable that it will be expressed but I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was well under 50%.
This is like saying that people are offended when called racial slurs because there's some truth to what the slur means.
Racial slurs don't always say a person is not a person, I can only think of one that has that implication. They mostly mock a person's choices and behavior by associating them with stereotypes implied by the slur.
This is like saying that people are offended when called racial slurs because there's some truth to what the slur means.