According to Stack Overflow developer survey[0], Angular is used by ~20% professional respondants (for comparison, React is ~43%).
Personally if I'm building a full SPA I prefer Angular over React as I find the opinionated way takes a lot of the thinking and troubleshooting away. I've worked with large React codebases and without the opinionation they quickly devolve into spaghetti code with a multitude of libraries trying to solve the same problems just in slightly different ways.
I've tried NextJS but with each release they seem to add more complexity and the niceities that attracted me there in the first place get overshadowed by bugs and continously having to refactor because "there's a new, better way of doing things".
I'm hopeful that with the recent releases of Angular (performance; standalone components; signals being some of the main ones) will help increase popularity again but it may be that Reacts popularity keeps it on a positive spiral upward.