If you don't mind streaming games, Geforce Now works WAY better than SteamLink in my experience, even when the two computers are in the same apartment. (Also, with either, using a landline ethernet cable works much much better than WiFi, FWIW).
Thanks, I do plan on trying Geforce Now at some point. Although with rural (albeit cable not DSL) Internet, I'm not holding my breath. But I still want to see it for myself, as well as XBox Cloud or whatever it's called.
I live in a semi-rural area too. All you need is 25 Mbps for 4k streaming, less for 1080p. (What would probably matter more is how far you are from a GFN data center: https://status.geforcenow.com/
Microsoft's XBox cloud is terrible because they stream from actual Xbox consoles (which are much weaker than a 4080). BUT you can also play a subset of PC Game Pass games on GFN with your Microsoft subscription, which will then stream from Nvidia's much better GPUs instead.