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Throwaway account for obvious reasons. I've done DMT once and magic mushrooms a few times. DMT is by far the crazier trip that will take me a year to properly integrate. Since I have to practice a few things, the DMT being that I met gave me homework, ha! I'm going for a "check up" in 8 months.

Everyone has different experiences but when you subjectively feel your mind is at least 10 to 100 times faster (that even has some residu effect after the trip) then that's enough "time" to learn anything. Others may not have that experience.

What I learned:

- Feel free to feel free. No need to be so uptight.

- If anything, _if anything_, it's about love. A good place to start is [1].

- Seeking for the truth is amazing. However, when you speak, be warm and loving while speaking the truth. A human is not an object. A human isn't only nourished by truth. Just like a well-balanced diet. It's nourished by more things.

- You're blind to how many people love you. Also, they don't dare to say it given the culture you're in.

- It doesn't matter whether the DMT being is real or not. It felt real at the time, but I knew it is probably an illusion going in. The DMT being laughed and told me it doesn't matter. What matters is the lessons that I get from this trip. Given that I'm an atheist, I can also apply this to religion. I don't need to believe in (a) god to understand religious vocabulary (concepts I can use) or to get inspiration from it. Obviously this applies to many more things. Gods and demons exist in the conceptual/symbolic realm (as more or less anything conceivable in a thought does). They're not real. But anything in our imagination has the capability of influencing us for real (self-fulfilling prophecies, etc.).

My DMT trip lasted 30 seconds according to my trip sitter (who was sober). In those 30 seconds, I saw my life flashing by.

Mushrooms on the other hand almost always gave me bad trips. They were insightful though. However, DMT was far more therapeutical for me.

[1] https://ritanaomi.com/the-practice-of-metta-or-loving-kindne...

> You're blind to how many people love you. Also, they don't dare to say it given the culture you're in.

You don't need any drugs to realize this. You just need better reasons to get out more.

Everything you learned from dmt you would get from 5 minutes a day mindfulness meditation. And arguably more given all the other various benefits. I'm not against psychedelics, I quite enjoy them. But in my quest I have found that you don't always need them and the regular practice of meditation to be much more rewarding.

> My DMT trip lasted 30 seconds

30 seconds? How long did it appear to you to last? Does DMT have such a short half-life after you ingest it that the trip only lasts a short time?

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