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While I think this "cult" phenomenon has been significant, it seems it's not as prevalent as it has been.

Many Macs today are corporate workstations. Individual users still adopt it for the integration of phone/tablet/PC, but the cult persona seems to be a somewhat dated analysis...

The value prop is close enough to Linux but also supports MDM.

The cult of hating on Mac is more virulent, lots of whining about iToddlers and Satania from Gabriel DropOut memes.

> the cult persona seems to be a somewhat dated analysis

iPhones and other iDevices are more accessible. It used to be a certain cohort could afford such devices and the rest had to buy 'Peasant Android' devices. But you can get iPhones refurbished in good condition from many vendors, and at a good discount. Caveat: they're not brand new, but they are very close.

Yes, in the 1980s/1990s Macs were favored by artists and musicians because there were a lot of programs for them that were Mac exclusive. These days the attraction is more that Macs can be treated as basically UNIX workstations that IT is happier with than allowing users their own Linux boxes because it is easier for them to lock them down.

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