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Oceans break heat records five years in a row (nature.com)
13 points by pseudolus 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

This seems bad. Heating of oceans will trigger a change in underwater currents, which will have a dramatic impact on heat distribution on the planet.

I've read somewhere that carbon emissions had declined for a few years. Is that true?

It's not true. Carbon emissions are record high and growing. I think I read that carbon emissions in the US declined somewhat this year. I also read (small sliver of hope) that we have avoided (so far) the worst-case climate scenario.

The US is also producing a record amount of oil (locked-in emissions), Biden just approved some huge drilling lease and they're considering allowing construction of new LNG terminals in the Gulf. :-\

>"Soilent Green is people!"

[SPOILER: A major plot device of this movie is characters discovering the oceans were trashed generations ago, and that the "fish" chips are in fact recycled humans].

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