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One of the big signs of Boeings decline is that they don't make much of their planes directly, instead relying on large subcontractors to assemble most pieces of a plane and install the pieces.

This was all done to reduce costs by squeezing suppliers, yet when the suppliers only work for Boeing, my theory is that eventually the cost cutting started to hit engineering and quality control.

Additionally, it hilarious that the MAX was made to save money and avoid a new airframe, yet this decision is probably one of the most costly moves they have ever made.

It's cost-cutting turtles all the way down. Any subcontractor without multiple clients is going to do the same kind of cost-cutting that the main company does.

> MAX was made to save money and avoid a new airframe, yet this decision is probably one of the most costly moves they have ever made.

Punitive damages, take a bow.

Did that outsourcing start with the merger? OP seems to suggest so?

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