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You're only looking at this airplane. What about the space capsule that cannot be built correctly for a test launch? What about the planes to replace the ones the secret service uses to ferry around POTUS? What about the stories from employees saying they are punished from bring up issues they see? So much more than just this one plane (and its variants)

And before the 737 MAX, in the 90's there were a number of 737 accidents related to rudder control units. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_737_rudder_issues.

And that space capsule, Starliner, was contracted in 2011 and has yet to be safe enough to carry humans. Meanwhile in the same time, the upstart competition has gone from zero to flying some 11 crewed missions (not all were to ISS) and charged the government much less than Boeing charged, and that despite Boeing's storied 100 year aerospace history and culture.

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