FWIW, Mini splits are very DIY'able. I was surprised to learn they don't cost much more than an air conditioner. In 2021, I bought and installed a 12k BTU for around $850. HVAC companies seem to charge an arm and a leg - my neighbor put a 2-head unit and I think they paid around 6k.
What brand did you install? MrCool diy seemed the easiest to DIY but my 2 zone install came to about 6k. Surprised to hear a condenser and air handler together could be $850.
Pioneer. I just installed a 2 head and it was about $2000 in total. They come pre-charged but require more work. You have to cut/flare the lineset and vacuum the lines.
The thing I don't like about MrCool is that you can't cut the lineset and have to coil the extra which is a bit janky. Also they have a considerable markup over other DIY.
I did research the DIY kits, though my biggest worry is that down the line I won't be able to find companies willing to touch it if it needs servicing.
Properly installed, there's not much to service. Watch a few Youtube videos on what goes wrong with heat pumps, and you'll learn that proper site prep is critical. ie the units must be level so the bearings won't wear prematurely.