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I feel like you’ve never actually used twitch. What you’re describing in terms of how it works and “subscription costs” is very incorrect.

No, I've just worked with Twitch and had friends in executive positions at Twitch. Many of their top streamers that pay the bills for Twitch are recruited and have employment/partnership contracts. They're very much paying for content during the time I had connections with them (pre-Amazon and a while after).

The nobodies that no one watches doesn't cost or earn Twitch very much.

Your explanation of twitch monetization (or costs?) was hard to understand:

>People choose what they want to watch on Twitch, which they have to pay as a portion of subscription costs to the channel.

Who is "they" here? Twitch paying the streamer (cost for twitch) or viewers (aka subscribers) paying the streamer (revenue for twitch)?

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