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The climate costs of war and militaries can no longer be ignored (theguardian.com)
9 points by gardenfelder 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Personally- I'll say it plainly, I hope I won't offend anyone- I think that it is a sick joke to worry about the greenhouse gas emissions of an activity that is purposefully killing people now, creating refugees and destroying cities now. The indirect effects of the purposeful massacre of tens or hundreds of thousands- effects presumed, projected, of uncertain magnitude, extrapolated from statistics and confined to some safely distant future- should not be even mentioned for respect of all those who are in the trajectory of the bullets and the bombs now, and certainly not by anyone or any organisation that isn't spending every last drop of ink in trying to stop the killing now.

The two concerns are not mutually exclusive.

Lots of room for military energy and logistics innovation. They would love to get rid of fuel.


More than 5% of global emissions are linked to conflict or militaries but countries continue to hide the true scale

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