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Computing with graphene is still sci-fi territory, making a semiconductor only allows you to make transistors, not to necessarily make billions of transistors at nano-scales.

On the larger physical scale, transistors are used for stuff like mosfets and switching power supplies.

You might have noticed the new generation of Gallium Nitride (another semiconductor) USB chargers. They improve over silicon in every important dimension, I think, with a higher breakdown voltage, lower on resistance, higher electron mobility (which is what limits the speed it can cycle).

The gallium nitride chargers (when well engineered) waste less power, meaning they don't get as hot, and can be built much smaller for a given output.

I am not an engineer or a materials scientist, but I think graphene is better in thermal conductivity and electron mobility than GaN, but a semiconductor would probably have a smaller bandgap, because graphene naturally doesn't have much of one at all, meaning it'd have a smaller operating range in temperature and voltage.

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