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I think the Victor still looks futuristic, menacing, and strangely beautiful. A Buck Rogers fantasy brought to life.

I agree. It’s ungainly for sure, but I wouldn’t call it ugly.

Besides, if I were going to pick a British warplane originating from that era as the ugliest, I’d have to go with the Nimrod.

AEW3 variant I would agree, the original was a sleek conversion the dH Comet. Pretty nice design for a plane that first flew in the 40s!

The Victor was also a sleek futuristic design and the every bit as impressive as the Vulcan.

Never a fan of the Gloster Javalin; something was always off in the proportions as well as just looking chunky.

I agree about the distasteful look of the Nimrod. As for the Victor: ''Thunderbirds are go!''

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