> Please, (a) for your own sake and (b) for the sake of open source innovation, use the tool that you admit is better.
This is...such a strange take. To follow your logic to an extreme, everyone should use a very small handful of languages that are the "best" in their domain with ne'er a care for their personal comfort or preference.
> for your own sake
They're sticking with Pandas exactly for their own sake since they like being able to use Copilot.
> for the sake of open source innovation
Ohh by all means let's all be constantly relearning and rehashing just to follow the latest and greatest in open source innovation this week.
Tools are designed to be _used_ and if you like using a tool _and_ it does the job you require of it that seems just fine to me; especially if you're also taking the time to evaluate what else is out there occasionally.
Is it really that strange of a take? To use the best tool available for a job. That doesn't sound strange at all.
Doubly so if it involves copilot. There's no way to get training data without people writing it. This sound like a direct application of a greedy algorithm: trading long term success for short term gain. That's not the ideal way to live.
Yes, the greedy algorithm metaphor is an interesting connection!
I also like thinking about this as a feedback loop (as explained by systems dynamics), since it provides nice concepts for how systems change over time.
(a) For one's own sake, please pick the better tool as evaluated over suitable timeframe (perhaps an hour or two, after you've got some familiarity and muscle memory for the API) instead of only a brief evaluation (e.g. only 15 minutes).
(b) Better open source tools (defined however you want), which benefit us all, get better uptake when people think beyond merely the short-term.
The essence of my argument is "think beyond the short-term". Hardly controversial.
Don't miss the context: LLMs are giving people even more excuses for short-term thinking. Humans are terribly tempted for short-sighted "victories".
This is...such a strange take. To follow your logic to an extreme, everyone should use a very small handful of languages that are the "best" in their domain with ne'er a care for their personal comfort or preference.
> for your own sake
They're sticking with Pandas exactly for their own sake since they like being able to use Copilot.
> for the sake of open source innovation
Ohh by all means let's all be constantly relearning and rehashing just to follow the latest and greatest in open source innovation this week.
Tools are designed to be _used_ and if you like using a tool _and_ it does the job you require of it that seems just fine to me; especially if you're also taking the time to evaluate what else is out there occasionally.