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Musk's Drug Use Concerns Tesla, SpaceX Leaders, WSJ Says (bloomberg.com)
14 points by donohoe 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Typical WSJ hit piece.

> Musk has used LSD, cocaine, ecstasy and psychedelic mushrooms, often at private parties, the Journal said, citing unnamed witnesses and others with knowledge of the matter.

Haha okay. Unknown sources == fabricated 90% of the time, especially with the WSJ.

He said he uses Ketamine as prescribed by a doctor (Ketamine Therapy IS a real thing and we should stop conflating it with recreational drug use).

> Musk’s public use of marijuana with podcaster Joe Rogan in September 2018 led the Pentagon to review the federal security clearance tied to his role as CEO of Space Exploration Technologies Corp., which is certified to launch military spy satellites, Bloomberg News first reported in March 2019.

It's on video, so it's harder for WSJ to lie. He literally took one hit and didn't even do it properly (didn't understand that he's supposed to inhale). That pretty clearly showed he didn't know how to smoke weed.

Musk is obviously not some saint or whatever, but dumb hit pieces like this are just bad for everyone.

> Craig Trudell is Bloomberg News Detroit Bureau's new U.S. automotive team leader.

Ahh okay, that makes sense.

Full text available here: https://archive.ph/O6h0x

That's what they're concerned about?!? I've never done so much drugs that I purchased Twitter in a massively leveraged deal just to red-pill gullible incels to build a cult of personality around me.

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