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Artificial Intelligence's Threat to Democracy (foreignaffairs.com)
6 points by gardenfelder 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

...nefarious actors intent on undermining American democracy—including China, Iran, and Russia

Not even a mention of any threat of domestic actors who may be up to the same thing.

first step to solving any problem is accepting that the problem exists.

"How to Safeguard U.S. Elections From AI-Powered Misinformation and Cyberattacks"

Well for starters, accept that social media is being manipulated in real time by AI to not just increase engagement, but also to manipulate users opinions for the agendas of whoever is paying.

Anywhere bots can emulate actual users, this is running rampant. Places like reddit are more bots than actual users.

Whatever happened to the huge bot problem that twitter had? Musk pointed it out then bought it and went all quiet on the subject. It's almost like after buying twitter, he learned the bots WERE twitter and with those, massive influence can be had.

AI is just a tool, the threat to democracy was when lobbying became legal.

Sorry to sound so defeatist-- until LITERALLY BRIBING is illegal, I hope no one expects change. The system is profitable and will resist all attempts to get away from how it is.

People are getting the best politics money can buy at this point.

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