In my startup we track another number in order to normalize our compensation.
We do a quick "expected valuation" calculation on the share price and use that, instead of the 409a or the valuation. This is how I actually value it in my own head, so we just kind of canonicalize.
example: I think there's a 1% chance 1billion a 5% chance we make 100M. A 40% chance we make 20M. So that's a 23M and then I calculate the value of an option based on that.
Using that, I can then try to "match" a salary from a public company. So we set our comp as 80% of the google data. (Chose google bc it has the fullest data).
This gives us a full compensation benchmark for any roles / levels. ie a Sr engineers makes 263k. But we pay 140 in cash and 123k in equity.
Then I can explain to an engineer. We feel like we're paying you as well as you would be paid at google, but you need to believe that we have a 1% chance at a billion. 5% chance at 100M etc. They can easily tweak these expectations too so they can compare offers. If they think there is a zero percent chance of 1B they can adjust the offer themselves in their head.
We do a quick "expected valuation" calculation on the share price and use that, instead of the 409a or the valuation. This is how I actually value it in my own head, so we just kind of canonicalize.
example: I think there's a 1% chance 1billion a 5% chance we make 100M. A 40% chance we make 20M. So that's a 23M and then I calculate the value of an option based on that.
Using that, I can then try to "match" a salary from a public company. So we set our comp as 80% of the google data. (Chose google bc it has the fullest data).
This gives us a full compensation benchmark for any roles / levels. ie a Sr engineers makes 263k. But we pay 140 in cash and 123k in equity.
Then I can explain to an engineer. We feel like we're paying you as well as you would be paid at google, but you need to believe that we have a 1% chance at a billion. 5% chance at 100M etc. They can easily tweak these expectations too so they can compare offers. If they think there is a zero percent chance of 1B they can adjust the offer themselves in their head.