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Apple revives old fight with Hey after rejecting new calendar app (theverge.com)
12 points by shaicoleman 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I thought the compromise they agreed on for Hey was to provide a 14 day random email address to use on iOS (addressing the app review issue of “no functionality without external account”).

If they didn’t do this for the calendar app then DHH is deliberately picking a fight. It’s smart, effective publicity, I’d have never heard of it otherwise.

If and when 3rd party payment options are allowed for apps, I will simply uninstall an app than embark on some journey of sharing payment and address information with all kinds of weird external pages. It’s easy to forget that what seems like an inconvenience for us tech folks, can be a serious issue for end users and presently, we don’t have a “popular, privacy focused” payment option to help support apps outside of the App Store.

Also as an indie dev myself, DHH’s reaction seems hilarious. Especially with his “keep politics out of the office” stance (which has apparently changed).

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