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>the sort of people who abuse the bereaved parents of murdered children.

Oh, you mean the Brady Campaign that misled parents of the Aurora shooting to file a frivolous lawsuit and whom are now on the hook for legal fees for that lawsuit?


>After their daughter was killed, the Phillipses went to work for the Brady Campaign doing survivor outreach. “I would call survivors and they would say, ‘I haven’t heard from [Brady] in three years,’” Sandy recalled. “They don’t know what to do with survivors. They’re a business.”

>The experience, she said, made her realize that survivors are often used as “backdrops.”

>Two years after they began working with the Brady Campaign — when they were “no longer a bright, new shiny object” — Lonnie and Sandy were let go. Now they see politicians and big organizations in Washington, DC, most often at the center of the gun violence conversation.


I took it to mean Alex Jones, since I have no idea who those people are and the links you give make no mention of a Twitter/X connection, much less a high-level connection like Jones has.

While with Alex Jones we have lawsuits which fit the description of "who abuse the bereaved parents of murdered children", like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Jones#Pozner_and_De_La_Ro...

> On April 16, 2018 Leonard Pozner and Veronique De La Rosa, parents of victim Noah Pozner, filed a defamation suit against Jones, Infowars and Free Speech Systems in Travis County, Texas.[254] Pozner, who has been forced to move several times to avoid harassment and death threats, was accused by Jones of being a crisis actor.

as just one example, and we have the high-level Twitter connection on the same Wikipedia page at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Jones#Social_media_restri...

> In November 2022, Musk referred to Jones as a person who "would use the deaths of children for gain, politics or fame" and said Jones would not be unbanned.[119] He changed his position on December 10, 2023 when he reinstated Jones's account.

That was, indeed, one of the people I was referring to.

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