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On the Social Deficits of Current Mobile Device Design (whoisstan.tumblr.com)
1 point by whoisstan on April 25, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

This made me chuckle. I can picture it - the looking around trying to find something to grab onto as a conversation starter.

It's funny because to one personality type this is a negative impact and to others it is positive. Me - I'm thrilled that my generic device does something to help me from being approached by strangers.

And as a general tip - looking at the screen only makes you creepy it doesn't help - because you can't decide for someone else if what they are doing is interruption worthy. I know a guy in my office who does that and it makes me want to punch him in the face. ("Oh - you're on HN! Good, then it's not a problem if I interrupt you right now.")

chuckle is a good thing:)

Having a breadth of designs between generic and super special will relax the scene a bit, I am kind of freaked about our enforced gadget conformity. Lets get a little freaky!

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