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> As a formal algorithm, it could be modeled as a stateless Markov process in discrete time, performing non-deterministic search. As a computable function, it could be instantiated by traditional or neuromorphic computer clusters and executed using brain emulation, hierarchical hidden Markov models, stochastic grammars, probabilistic programming languages, neural networks, or others.

These sentences from section 5.2 convince me that the author is oddly not even interested in building what he's talking about, or making a plan to do so.

- Isn't the point of a markov process that it _is_ stateful, but that _all_ its state is present at in each x_i, such that for later times k > i, x_k never needs to refer to some prior x_j with j < i?

- "Here's a list of broad, flexible families of computational processing that can have some concept of a sequence. Your turn, engineers!"

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