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Ask HN : An open source News.YCombinator-like
2 points by donequick on April 25, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
Hello fellow HN members,

I want to build a news.ycombinator-like web site for my local community, and was wondering if there's any open source version or similar sites that I can use to bootstrap. I am aware of reddit, and I know news.ycombinator is using ARC. I would prefer a rails or Play! framework version... Thanks in advance

I have taken UI aspects from the HN approach to a news site (plus a few ideas from StackOverflow) to include news pages on a site otherwise developed using ASP.NET, SQLServer and jQuery - point being that it was not very difficult to build an effective news page (learning from the best) using just about any platform. In my view, way easier than learning the ins and outs of someone else's approach.

Should be pretty steady using any MVC stack.

You could look at Noostr (http://noostr.com/). It's been stalled for a while now, but will eventually see a 1.0 release :)

Big missing feature is paging...

Edit: It's a PHP app that uses MySQL.

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