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GDP (growth rate) 2.29, 2.71, 1.67, 2.24, 2.95

Deficit (% of GDP) 2.75, 2.40, 3.10, 3.39, 3.77

1 out of 5 aint bad.

The last time it was even close is Clinton.

Where are you getting those deficit figures from?

Try this https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYFSD#0

From ... Federal Surplus or Deficit as Percent of Gross Domestic Product - https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYFSGDA188S

I see you edited to add the labels. Anyway you can't do the math like that.

It's (change in GDP in dollars) - (deficit)

Sure you can, the denominator of both numbers is GDP.

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