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> People don’t walk around with anti-résumés telling you what they have not studied or experienced

I kind of like this idea.

Back in the late 90’s when I was looking for a job out of college, I gave a resume to a company, and they called me up for a first round interview and mentioned a few keywords from my resume that were of interest, but some of those keywords were definitely not on my resume. It was some kind of OCR fail at their end. But it got my foot into the door.

I later joked with my dad about making a resume section like what you describe - saying I do not yet have experience with foo, bar, baz. Just to hit the initial keywords scan some shops were apparently doing, but without lying.

Who was doing OCR keyword scans of resumes in the late '90s? IBM or Microsoft?? That seems like it would have been expensive and a lot of resources for most other companies

I'd be curious to try that for beating the terrible resumé screening tools that so many company seem to be using these days.

"Built without Machine Learning" is something I like to boast about.

Ha. This is excellent.

Yes, an anti-résumé listing only what one has not studied or experienced but limited to things that one has even the vaguest aspirations of one day studying or experiencing would be a great thing to have.

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