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I use newsboat, so it picks everything up in chronological (modulo feed oddity) order, but displays only "unread" items to me.

On top of that is further organisation: non-HN feeds are batched together in a single display, but HN often produces more than a screenful (~70) of unreads, so then I have hotkeys that filter out alphabetic subsets: A-G, H-R, or S-Z. That normally suffices to avoid any scrolling, but when I haven't been following RSS for several days, I also have filters that further limit to a single day, either 1, 2, 3, or 4 days ago.

Although the underlying data is kept chronologically indexed by newsboat, and I can always refer to it that way (frex the concrete splits AG/HR/SZ were determined by querying newsboat's SQLite instance) it by no means prevents layering a myriad (well 20, not counting newsboat's ad-hoc command line filter interface) of other ways to organise on top.

PS thank you for reminding me to finally look up how to turn off threading (View»Organise by Conversation) in the mac default mail proggy!

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