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eludes me how people think it's ok to tell other people to stop on topics like this. it's not even about making maston be twitter. it's about experimenting with timeline options that are not chronological and it's all open and an invitation for people to contribute if they are interested. you are not interested? cool, then do whatever. because unlike twitter, you have that option - and that option will not go away.

stop commenting when your comment tells others to stop doing what they like because you don't like it.

Oh, grow up. Dissenting opinions are welcome on line, being probably the most beautiful part of this whole mess we call the Internet. If you don't like my comment, address the content of the comment and explain to me how my warning of the path this treads is unreasonable. Stop virtue signalling and contribute. I'm open to having my mind change and everyone on this site should be as well.

Dissenting opinions are welcome with me, I appreciate them. What I don't appreciate is casual downvoting. I suspect I must have some of the highest downvote stats on this site. And I would love to be able to search HN users using that sort of metric!

Anyway, I have unpopular, but sincerely held opinions - anyone is free to disagree, of course. The point I'm trying to get to is that while I hardly ever downvote, if I did, I would hope that I would also comment on what the issue was.

As a courtesy, it should be downvote + comment, if poss.

I don't really know how you migrated to the subject of downvoting, but I do not disagree. Never found the idea of "karma" on a forum to be useful for anything other that brigading and collective censorship. I use Harmonic to view HN, which has options yo hide scores and all that, do I don't even see the downvotes, tbh. Safe to assume they are there though, especially when you say things that do not jive with the popular narrative.

have an upvote!

dissenting opinions are not a problem until they start telling people what to do.

i'm not interested in changing your mind.

Using the imperative form in writing is more commonly used as rethorical device than as a literal order. You interpreting it as the latter suggests to me that maybe you should work on your emotional regulation when it comes to other people's writing.

Interesting. So you wanting me to stop explaining why someone shouldn't be doing something is you not being interested in changing my mind? You live in an interesting world.

What is a dissenting opinion other than an expression of dissatisfaction toward a thing, be that an action of another or not? You say dissent is okay, byt in the same breath say byt only if you do it the way I think it should be done.

Hypocrisy is a helluva drug, I guess.

Anyway, have a great day. Didn't mean to piss in anyone's cereal quite this early.

everyone can dissent as much as he likes and make it public too. personally i'd have preferred if it wasn't that imperative. it's not what, but how one says things. but anyway, maybe that other commenter is right that it shouldn't be seen that emotional.

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