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For the creator of this product (and to any other creators launching soon): don't listen to the keyboard jockeys saying it will fail. We (commenters here) are essentially NPCs in your world. We're not your narrow target market, just some gawkers addicted to typing "news.yc..." into our browsers, maybe with nothing better to do. And although we sound confident, we really don't know if it'll fail, or take off, or pivot to a successful product. Good luck--and major props on the launch, the landing page looks great!

ps. It will succeed.

> We're not your narrow target market, just some gawkers addicted to typing "news.yc..." into our browsers...

Speak for yourself. I just type "n" into the browser.

Speak for yourself, I just click on a shortcut

Speak for yourself, I find myself on the site and I don’t remember clicking anything. I was scrolling the news sites and mindlessly ended up here.

Speak for yourself, I just always have it open.

Speak for yourself, I don't have anything else open.

Speak for yourself, all my traffic proxies here.

Speak for yourself, i wrote a browser extension that replaces every link on any site with HN

Well, that escalated quickly.

Speak for yourself, I forked Chromium and made it the default entry in the address bar and set it to read-only.

RSS for the win! Though, I need to check it in the browser because sometimes it misses things.

I type the full URL. In the gym, on a treadmill's browser. See, I'm not addicted.

> ...y-c-o-n fuck. y-c-o-m-b-u fuck y-c-o-m-b-i-m fuck etc

you mean "h" for hackernews, right? ...right?

I just go back to the already opened HN tab :)

When Omegle shut down I looked here for when it was launched. All the replies to its first post, ~14 years ago, were negative.

For the curious: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=539753

In Omegle's case, was the criticism wrong? It was un-monetizable and ended under thumb of lawsuits.

look at the impact Omegle had and tell me it wasn't worth pursuing even if all those criticisms ended up being correct.

what was its impact?

but it was a great ride while it lasted*

The causes may have been obvious but the timeline estimates were way off.

I was literally searching for physical keyboard attachments for the iphone last night. This is almost exactly what I want. I think a slide out keyboard would be nicer, but this looks awesome.

This costs $35 and doesn't enlarge your iPhone: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000402875449.html or this is $7 and is easier to type than Clicks: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000982236230.html

I personally always type hackernews.org to get here.

https://hckrnews.com/ is my go to, I have it set to top 20/day otherwise I'd be on hacker news way too much/too long. It's a self limiting thing.

A purist, I see.

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