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Flight Secrets That Are Never Told to Passengers [video] (youtube.com)
15 points by teleforce 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Any way to get a text based summary when someone posts a video like this?

If you have YouTube Premium there's an AI button that lets you query the video. Here's the summary it gave me, I haven't watched the whole video so can't verify it's accuracy:

Here are some of the craziest flight secrets that are never told to passengers

Don't board the plane first, it's the worst seat.

Never throw your boarding pass away in a public trash can.

Airplane toilets aren't allowed to be emptied into the sky.

The safest seat on a plane is in the back third.

Flight attendants have a "do not pair list" of co-workers they don't want to work with

First class and business class cabins receive the same high-quality meals

Airlines have compartments specifically installed to store an average sized body in the event of an in-flight death

The first time I ever flew on an airline, I was about 20 years old (early 1990s), and my friend counseled me that the best/safest meal could be had by requesting a Kosher or vegetarian exception. Therefore I dutifully specified Kosher, please, for my in-flight dinner.

The food was acceptable, but it got really weird in some of the conversations between me, stewardesses, and seat mates, who all heard about my Kosher preference and they were curious just what sort of Jew I might be. (I was a cradle, lapsed Catholic goth boy at that point.)

It gets a bit more interesting; a couple of years hence, I found myself dating a Messianic Jew and attending her "Jews for Jesus" synagogue. When Pesach came around, I dutifully attempted to keep Kosher for the entire period, and discovered that I really had no idea what "Kosher for Passover" entailed, and therefore, I erred on the side of caution by eating nothing but plain matzah all day long.

I never tried that again.

There are several levels here

AI tool is wrong. I watched the video. Pilots have a "do not pair list". Also, most airlines do not have compartments for in flight death, just one aircraft model on one airline on a long-haul flight.

These are not all actually true. It’s buzzfeed bullshit

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